Speedweve for Mending

#DHMakes Methodz #1, by Sam Blickhan and Amanda Wyatt Visconti

A 16-page standard-size, full-color zine co-created by Sam Blickhan and Amanda Wyatt Visconti.

  • CC BY-NC.
  • Current version: v2, 11/3/2024; v1: 10/30/2024.

Speedweve for Mending (#DHMakes Methodz Zines #1) introduces you to speedweve-style mending looms for fixing small holes in socks and other fabric: What are they? What’s cool about them? Why might you want to try one? How would you get started using one? It’s a zine-ification by me, of a 10/15/2024 #DHMakes Methodz Talk and slides by Sam Blickhan. (#DHMakes Methodz Talks is a public maker talk series I organize.)

Available now:

Coming soon?:

  • Fewer-color PDF of zine: Same zine, except non-cover pages are meant to be print in black ink only on color paper (or white, if that’s all you have) to allow cheaper printing.
  • Black-and-white version of zine: misses out on some photo details and fun color design, but printable if you don’t have a color printer; and/or if you need a higher-contrast zine for reading accessibility.
  • Printing & assembly instructions.

Read the zine online

The zine has a version formatted for printing above, and is available as a PDF optimized for reading on your computer too, but below are images of the zine’s pages in order, in case you prefer to read online on this webpage.

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 1

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 2

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 3

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 4

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 5

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 6

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 7

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 8

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 9

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 10

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 11

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 12

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 13

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 14

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 15

"Speedweve for Mending" zine page 16

Accessibility notes

With this zine, I was able to add two accessibility improvements:

  1. Visual accessibility test & fixes (using Canva’s tool to ID issues and improve color contrast, type size, etc.)
  2. An accessible text transcript of the zine (hand-edited to make sense when read via screen reader)