Table of contents:
- Abbreviated zine bibliography (digital humanities flavored)
- Ways into the Zine Bakery catalog
Zine bibliography
Here’s an abbreviated version of my longer zine bibliography, used in and customized to a DH (Digital Humanities) 2025 conference proposal:
Fox, Violet B. et al. “The zine librarians code of ethics” web resource and zine. November 2015.
Freedman, Jenna, et al. Zine Union Catalogue web resource. Accessed on September 30, 2024.
Freedman, Jenna, Filipa Calado, Miranda Johnson. Text Analysis With A Zine Corpus zine. 2022.
Nemergut, Nicole Acosta. Teaching with Zines zine. 2018.
Posner, Miriam. “How did they make that?” Miriam Posner’s Blog post. August 2013. Accessed on September 30, 2024.
Sahagian, Jacqui. “Zine-making as Critical DH Pedagogy”. Scholars’ Lab scholarly blog post, published January 14, 2022. Accessed on July 30, 2024.
Stevens, Amanda, et al. Zine Subject Thesaurus web resource. Accessed on September 30, 2024.
Visconti, Amanda Wyatt. “Book Adjacent: Database & Makerspace Prototypes Repairing Book-Centric Citation Bias in DH Working Libraries”. DH+Lib special issue on “Making Research Tactile: Critical Making and Data Physicalization in Digital Humanities”, Spring 2024. Accessed on September 30, 2024.
-–. “Organized futures: speculative infrastructure design for more just and joyful scholarly community”. Journal of Electronic Publishing special issue “On Gathering: exploring collective and embodied modes of scholarly communication and publishing”. Forthcoming Fall 2024.
-–. “Themed Reading Card Decks”. In Play with Your Data zine, part of DH+Lib journal special issue on “Making Research Tactile: Critical Making and Data Physicalization in Digital Humanities”, Spring 2024. Accessed on September 30, 2024.
-–. Zine Bakery. Digital humanities scholarly project, research blog, data visualizations, zine online and public space distros, zine publication, and relational database catalogue. Last updated 2024. Accessed on September 30, 2024. Project’s research blogging includes:
“Metadata for Zine Collecting”. April 2024.
“Zine Bakery: research roadmap”. August 2024.
“Zine Bakery: topical zine collections”. August 2024.
Visconti, Amanda Wyatt; Quinn Dombrowski; Claudia Berger. “#DHmakes: Baking Craft into DH Discourse”. Korean Journal of Digital Humanities, 1(1), 73-108, 2024. Accessed on September 30, 2024.
Wrekk, Alex. Stolen sharpie revolution: a DIY resource for zines and zine culture zine. 6th edition, 2020.
Ways into the Zine Bakery catalogue
The Zine Bakery catalog is a public view of a subset of the Zine Bakery dataset. Most zines are currently included, but some metadata fields that are irrelevant to the public, or contain private data (e.g. links to private PDF backups of zines) are not included in this display.
View the Zine Bakery Catalog!
All the public zines and public metadata. Feast!
Zine Bakery: Reader’s View
Only the zines that allow free e-reading, with only the metadata of most interest to folks looking to read zines (e.g. the metadata about printing zines is hidden).
View zines by zine tags, grouped by theme
A way to skim what kinds of topics and formats the collection offers, and see similar themes side-by-side (e.g. all social-justice-related tags and their zines, all zines related to specific identities and experiences.
View all zines that are free to print copies of, and about some social justice related topic
Popular zine tags
There are currently over one hundred zine tags 😅 organized into ~10 high-level categories. Here are links to dive into just the zines in a couple interesting areas:
“Tech knowledges” includes zines on: AI; coding; critiques of tech; data embodiment, visceralization, physicalization; data science, datasets, metadata; design; digital humanities; feminist tech; generative art; history of tech, communications, media; and/or social media
“Feminist tech”: zines taking a feminist approach to tech, including friendly tech tutorials that don’t bias toward only white U.S. male audiences, feminist uses & critiques of tech
Better together: zines about community building, collective structures, and solidarity
Creative building: zines about making, crafting, building generative art, design, and data embodiment
Learn a thing: zines that are tutorials, tutorial-adjacent, workbooks, or manuals—forms that help you learn something in a particular way. (Note this does not include the many zines in the collection that help you learn in other forms, such as essays, history zines, etc.)
- “digital humanities” zines
- “disabled experience” and/or “accessibility, disability justice, embodiment” zines
- “comics-form” zines
- Textual studies: zines related to textual studies & book/media history; history of tech, communications, media
- “GLAM/memory work”: GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) and other cultural heritage work, including related maintenance, repair, preservation
- Zines about zines: about zine making, collecting, cataloguing, teaching, etc.
- “Teaching & pedagogy”: zines about teaching, pedagogical theory and/or practice, zines as syllabi, etc.