Zine Quilt

A visualization of zine covers from the collection
cover image for BornPalestinianBornBlack zine by SarahIhmoud
cover image for VictorianLiteraturePlayersHandbookSyllabus zine by KateOzment
cover image for ButlersWarningOurHealthInAChangingClimate zine by AlekhyaMaram
cover image for HandJob1andCreatorNote zine by AlizaElkin
cover image for Threshold3TransmediaCollage zine by ThresholddEtAl
cover image for HowTo zine by MargaretLawson
cover image for ZineWebsiteProposal zine by KristyLeonardatos
cover image for WeighOfShowing zine by JennaFreedman
cover image for MalaLeche5EmbodimentSecretsUnderOurSkin zine by BadMilkPress
cover image for WeavingTraditions zine by KayWeaver
cover image for MutualAidAPrimer zine by SlyBadges
cover image for HashtagPATC3AndMe zine by MatthewEdwards
cover image for OverdueBooksReturninPalestinesAbandonedPropertyOf1948 zine by HannahMermelstein
cover image for CollectiveArtsForClimateJustice3 zine by HannahGelderman
cover image for YouAreNotFreeUntilWeAreAllFree zine by Anonymous
cover image for HowToCope zine by ActivistTraumaRecovery
cover image for WhatIsQueerTypography zine by PaulSoulellis
cover image for FanFiction zine by TaviGevinson
cover image for RosesForRosie zine by RosiesLawCoalitionEtAl
cover image for FanClub zine by ValerieLapinski
cover image for TheWorldIsMadeOfCheese zine by TheCenterForCartoonStudies
cover image for CrisisPregnancyCenters zine by OverManic
cover image for ACareCenteredGuideToDigitallyArchivingPalestine zine by LibrariansAndArchivistsWithPalestine
cover image for SurrenderTheJello zine by KatePurdum
cover image for ExposingExLibris zine by LibrariansAndArchivistsWithPalestine
cover image for AbolishTheUC zine by Anonymous
cover image for ReflectionsAtWork zine by DesignJusticeNetwork
cover image for AppalachianResistanceHistories zine by HollerNetwork
cover image for ResistanceHistories zine by HollerNetwork
cover image for 3PositionsAgainstPrison zine by AugustOClaire
cover image for AcciónPolítica zine by DesignJusticeNetwork
cover image for HowToDrawComics zine by CenterForCartoonStudies
cover image for DefendPrideDirectActionHandbook zine by Anonymous
cover image for ThingsToDoWhileTraveling zine by JennaRoseSands
cover image for ThoughtsOnPossibleCommunityResponsesToIntimateViolenceRedux zine by Anonymous
cover image for TowardsAFutureOfTech zine by APeoplesGuideToTech
cover image for ThePeopleAndTheLibrary zine by BenRemsen
cover image for DeafBlindPeopleInHistory zine by VioletBFox
cover image for ThinkingWithArt zine by DanielleTaschereauMamers
cover image for TipsOnStayinSaneAndCalm zine by Anonymous
cover image for CollectiveArtsForClimateJustice1 zine by HannahGelderman
cover image for TheStoryOfPunkAndMe zine by AnaghaPrasad
cover image for DesignJusticeInAction zine by DesignJusticeNetwork
cover image for WhileYouWereOut_NovDec22 zine by KellyMcElroy
cover image for SpeakUpAgainstBias zine by TeachingTolerance
cover image for MalaLeche3WindowToAnotherRealm zine by BadMilkPress
cover image for Repair zine by GewnBenaway
cover image for BiteSizeLinux zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for ProfilingAndTracingWithPerf zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for UnderTheTableAndScreamingVol1 zine by ErinOHare
cover image for HowWeGotThemPrinted zine by ErinMoore
cover image for FeastingOnCollaborationsGatheringasAMethodOfCommunity zine by JajwalyaKarajgikar
cover image for IBelieveThatWeWillWin zine by DefendTheAtlantaForest
cover image for LibZineAZineForThePunkLibrarian zine by Anonymous
cover image for WhileYouWereOut_SeptOct22 zine by KellyMcElroy
cover image for PreserveThisPodcast zine by PreserveThisPodcastTeamEtAl
cover image for APeoplesGuideToAI zine by APeoplesGuideToTechTeam
cover image for MalaLeche4 zine by BadMilkPress
cover image for JaneDocumentsFromChicagosClandestineAbortionService zine by JudithArcanaEtAl
cover image for WhatToDoWhenNazis zine by HollerNetwork
cover image for CiteThisZine zine by SarahGentileEtAl
cover image for AccessAsMeditation zine by BellaMilroy
cover image for BiteSizeCommandLine zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for LasercuttingCheatsheetMiniZineForAVerySpecificUseCase zine by AmandaWyattVisconti
cover image for TheNonViolentCommunicationNeedsInventory zine by AshleyTopacioEtAl
cover image for NewcombTechInMind zine by 1CAIDSDataLab
cover image for Consensus zine by Samizadat
cover image for Risottograph zine by HannahAlpertAbrams
cover image for CriticalMakingScience zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for ReallyFriendlyCommandLineIntro zine by TracyOsborn
cover image for SharedAuthority_V2.5 zine by JennaFreedmanEtAl
cover image for TransPeopleExistInTheFuture zine by ForwardTogether
cover image for FreeToChoose zine by EberhardtPress
cover image for TeachingWithZine zine by NicoleAcostaNemergut
cover image for WhileYouWereOut_JanFeb23 zine by KellyMcElroy
cover image for MalaLeche6PathOfTheShadows zine by BadMilkPress
cover image for BiteSizeBash zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for TheStudyGroup zine by JKatsfoster
cover image for PrisonersBooksAtTheNablusPublicLIbrary zine by LibrariansAndArchivistsWithPalestine
cover image for TheBlackMansGuideToGettingPulledOver zine by JohnnyParkerIII
cover image for CrowdControlAndRiotManual zine by Warrior
cover image for JaneTheLegendarySToryofTheUndergroundAbortionService zine by JudithArcana
cover image for WeWillAlwaysBeHere zine by ProtectTransHealth
cover image for Archives101_v3 zine by LAAC
cover image for MakingZinesAtTheLibrary zine by YOLOWZinesEtAl
cover image for TheNonViolentCommunicationFeelingsInventory zine by AshleyTopacioEtAl
cover image for HowTo zine by ArielleSwernoff
cover image for SustainableActivism zine by ActivistTraumaRecovery
cover image for HowToMakeADesignJusticeLocalNode zine by DesignJusticeNetwork
cover image for BuzzZine1 zine by JessicaStokesEtAl
cover image for SomeNotesOnInsurrectionaryAnarchism zine by SashaK
cover image for EveryonesAnAI zine by KateCompton
cover image for IfYouSeeSomethingDoSomething zine by MayDayCollectiveEtAl
cover image for ImaginationInAction zine by JillChisnelEtAl
cover image for LibrariansAndArchivistsToPalestine2013DelegationZine zine by LibrariansAndArchivistsWithPalestine
cover image for SpyingOnYourPrograms zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for FromDawn zine by KAgbebiyi
cover image for CriticalMakingMontreal zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for AnExhibitOfEmergingPractices zine by DesignJusticeNetwork
cover image for HowItMightShouldBeDone zine by IdrisRobinson
cover image for ALoveLetterToBeans zine by HayleyEParkEtAl
cover image for NetworkingAck zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for KiteZine zine by NicoleManganelli
cover image for SkillPoints zine by SummoningCircle
cover image for CasualCreators zine by KateCompton
cover image for WallsPalestine zine by JoshMacPhee
cover image for PrintWithTheBookBeetle zine by JosefBeery
cover image for WeCan't zine by It'sGoingDown
cover image for R3pair zine by LaraHoustonEtAl
cover image for ACiviliansGuideToDirectAction zine by Crimethinc
cover image for UnionMythbusting zine by UCWVA
cover image for MalaLeche7ASoftPlaceToLand zine by BadMilkPress
cover image for TheRelevanceOfAnarchismToModernSociety zine by SamDolgoffEtAl
cover image for MalaLecheXFralin zine by BadmilkPress
cover image for CriticalMakingConversations zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for HowToSpeakUpForPalestine zine by FacultyForPalestine
cover image for ReserveAndRenew1 zine by AbigailPhillipsEtAl
cover image for TheSixtiesScoop zine by JennaRoseSands
cover image for EncyclopediaOfGenerativity zine by KateCompton
cover image for OpenLetterToTheEncampmentsAndProtestsInSupportOfPalestine zine by
cover image for CriticalMakingHistory zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for MyStoryMatters zine by JessWalters
cover image for AccessForWho zine by OpenRestitutionAfrica
cover image for SupportingOurselves zine by ActivistTraumaRecovery
cover image for CollectiveArtsForClimateJustice4 zine by HannahGelderman
cover image for Threshold1Pilot zine by ThresholddEtAl
cover image for PracticalAbolitionFromTheInsideOut zine by BartonPrisonerSolidarityProject
cover image for MMIWG zine by JennaRoseSands
cover image for PalestinianAnarchists zine by BlackRose
cover image for ZineCultureAndTheEmbodiedCommunityOfRookieMag zine by ErinDellaMattia
cover image for FutureText zine by QuinnDombrowski
cover image for ScratchSlantSpring2023 zine by UVAScratchTeam
cover image for CriticalMakingArtCenterMDP zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for NewcombTechInMind2 zine by CAIDSDataLab
cover image for FormingAnAntifaGroup zine by Anonymous
cover image for HelpIHaveAManager zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for SolidarityNetworks zine by GODSANDRADICALSPRESS
cover image for TeachingInfoLitWithZines zine by KellyMcElroy
cover image for HellYesCSS zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for TheBeautiful zine by DexterFroud
cover image for AcademicTarot zine by VisionaryFutures
cover image for ScratchIdentity zine by UVAScratchTeam
cover image for KultOfTheCuberWitch_00 zine by KultOfTheCyberWitch
cover image for CouldntAffordTherapySoIMadeThis zine by LawrenceLindell
cover image for LinesOfLight zine by DanNott
cover image for ADigitalIDHandbook zine by APeoplesGuideToTech
cover image for HumanGeographyInNablusMountainOfFire zine by MelissaMorrone
cover image for CollectiveArtsForClimateJustice2 zine by HannahGelderman
cover image for IThinkIMightWantToStartHormones zine by ZineBeanCollective
cover image for MakingAZine zine by JessWalters
cover image for TheMaintainersColoringBook zine by TheMaintainers
cover image for WhileYouWereOut_MayJun23 zine by KellyMcElroy
cover image for PlayWithYourData zine by DH+Lib
cover image for DisorientationGuidetoLibrarianship zine by VioletBFox
cover image for QueersReadThis zine by Anonymous
cover image for BlackLungsMatter zine by TheAnkhEtAl
cover image for Threshold2Traces zine by ThresholddEtAl
cover image for FloweringsAFramework zine by FuriousFlowerJMU
cover image for WhatIsAResidentialSchoolAnIntroductoryMiniZine zine by JennaRoseSands
cover image for BlackAnarchistReflectionsFromBashBackAndBeyond zine by post.chicanx
cover image for HandJob4 zine by AlizaElkin
cover image for BreakingDownTheNewYorkCityPunishmentMachine zine by BrooklynCommunityBailFundEtAl
cover image for SojournersForJusticePressManifesto zine by SojournersForJusticePress
cover image for CulturalAppropriation zine by JennaRoseSands
cover image for BlackWomenResistanceAndViolence1 zine by MariameKabaEtAl
cover image for TheMouseInTheMuseum zine by VIrtualCurationLabEtAl
cover image for BarnardColumbiaDisorientationGuide zine by Anonymous
cover image for ImaginingsMatter zine by JajwalyaKarajgikar
cover image for InvisibleNoMoreStudyGuide zine by AndreaJRitchieEtAl
cover image for ACallToNegroWomen_MariameKabaEtAl
cover image for AsianAmerican zine by SaloneeBhaman
cover image for DunegonsAndPokemonRules zine by Dyketacular
cover image for WhatMightAMoreSustainableInternetOfThingsLookLike zine by FixingTheFutureCollectiveEtAl
cover image for DigitalQueerZine_AsheleyAdamsEtAl
cover image for EatingThroughDisaster zine by YaritzaSanchezEtAl
cover image for ResidentialSchools zine by JennaRoseSands
cover image for Tracery zine by KateCompton
cover image for HowDidWeGetHereAZineAboutPrivacyAtTheLibrary zine by AbigailSMiller
cover image for GodsAndSpirits zine by KelciCrawford
cover image for CollectiveArtsForClimateJustice6 zine by HannahGelderman
cover image for IntroToArchives zine by IXeMCollective
cover image for CriticalMakingTerms zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for ZineLibrariansCodeOfEthics zine by VioletBFox
cover image for FiveFontsInspiredByLesbianHandLettering zine by ErinMoore
cover image for ConsistentMoneyMovingProject zine by ConsistentMoneyMovingProject
cover image for BlocUp_Vol2 zine by HeadingNorther
cover image for CriticalMakingIntroduction zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for ActivistTraumaSupportG8 zine by ActivistTraumaRecovery
cover image for LosRinches zine by MadisonPifer
cover image for ProfessionallyDevelopedHuman  zine by DanielleTaschereauMamers
cover image for OpulentArtificialIntelligence zine by KateCompton
cover image for ThoughtsAboutCommunitySupport zine by ActivistTraumaRecovery
cover image for LiminalExcavations zine by OliverBatesEtAl
cover image for OpenLetterToOurAnarchistSocialistAndRadicalLeftistComrades zine by Anonymous
cover image for HardToLove12 zine by SaraMcHenry
cover image for HowDoCalculatorsEven zine by AmyWibowo
cover image for ASelfDefenseStudyGuideForTransWomen zine by TransFighters
cover image for CriticalMakingManifestos zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for TheNonViolentCommunicationModel zine by AshleyTopacioEtAl
cover image for PhaseOfDoom zine by HugoDuncan
cover image for BuildingTheBasesForADifferentLife zine by LausanCollectiveEtAl
cover image for HowToCreateAPersonalArchive zine by IXeMCollective
cover image for ThingsILearnedAboutBecomingAParentOfANewborn zine by OverManic
cover image for GitPurr_TomomiImura_Combined
cover image for ERANow zine by JessWalters
cover image for NoBorders zine by ActivistTraumaRecovery
cover image for MyIssuesOfBeingTransgender zine by SorrenMatarneh
cover image for StolenSharpieRevolution zine by AlexWrekk
cover image for WhoIsFitForMotherhood zine by LaurenMartin
cover image for SweetThings zine by ChelsieBlairNunn
cover image for MALALECHE1 zine by BadMilkPress
cover image for CriticalMakingMake zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for CanonFodder zine by NicoleGervasioEtAl
cover image for SharedAuthority_CapstoneIssue zine by ZineUnionCatalog
cover image for Eng342 zine by JustinWigard
cover image for CriticalMakingChildhood zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for SharedAuthority_V1 zine by JennaFreedmanEtAl
cover image for AHeartPiercedByANarwhalTuskAndOtherSketches zine by VIrtualCurationLabEtAl
cover image for UVADisorientationGuide zine by UVAStudentsUnited
cover image for TheFutureIsTrans zine by ZineBeanCollective
cover image for Archives101_v1 zine by LAAC
cover image for PrinciplesForDesignJustice zine by DesignJusticeNetwork
cover image for HowToSupportYourNonBinaryFamilyMember zine by AlyssaGiannini
cover image for QueerVoicesFromTheFightForPalestine zine by pleasurepie
cover image for MalaLecheXCHISPA zine by BadMilkPress
cover image for LooksItsTheRubenstein zine by MeghanLyon
cover image for QuietRumorsAnAnarchaFeministReader3rdEd zine by DarkStar
cover image for PlayingKindly zine by JacquelineBryk
cover image for TGINFine zine by LYRIC
cover image for WhyIsTheGovernmentLikeThis zine by LilithFund
cover image for GrowingUpBiracialInAmerica zine by AshleyGarcia
cover image for TyrannyOfCivility zine by MarcMazique
cover image for Handala zine by JoshMacPhee
cover image for StencilPrintmaking_ChrisStain
cover image for FromThe zine by CrimethincInc
cover image for ScratchMemories zine by UVAScratchTeam
cover image for NewcombTechInMind5 zine by CAIDSDataLab
cover image for ShatteringAbolitionTM zine by BySomeAbolitionists
cover image for EmbracingYourCrown zine by KiaraVason
cover image for ENG342SyllabusZine_JustinWigard
cover image for HowToLinocut zine by MaryVasquez
cover image for FindingYour zine by HannahAlpert zine by Abrams
cover image for LinuxDebugging zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for DIYZineMakingInLAMSForLAMS zine by EmmaMetcalfeHurstEtAl
cover image for MakingArtDuringFascism zine by BethPickensEtAl
cover image for TransPeopleGiveBirthToo zine by AshleyTopacioEtAl
cover image for TextAnalysisWithAZineCorpus zine by FilipaCaladoEtAl
cover image for MasonJar zine by BethAndAngelMakeGames
cover image for ScratchGenesisFall2022 zine by UVAScratchTeam
cover image for CollectiveArtsForClimateJustice5 zine by HannahGelderman
cover image for OhShitGit zine by KatieSylorMillerEtAl
cover image for HowToSetUpACommunityFridge zine by RVACommunityFridges
cover image for APreliminaryReportFromLibrariansAndArchivistsWithPalestine zine by LibrariansAndArchivistsWithPalestine
cover image for HandJob3 zine by AlizaElkin
cover image for ScratchBrinkSpring2021 zine by UVAScratchTeam
cover image for KidneyPatientsPointOfView zine by JessWalters
cover image for TowardsAnIndigenousEgoism zine by CanteWaste
cover image for CriticalMakingProjects zine by GarnetHertzEtAl
cover image for Archives101_v2 zine by LAAC
cover image for HandbookForTheActivistArchivist zine by LAAC
cover image for HowContainersWork zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for LetsLearnTCPDump zine by JuliaiEvans
cover image for FoundingMonsters zine by VIrtualCurationLabEtAl
cover image for Scratch(Im)pulse zine by UVAScratchTeam
cover image for Affirmations zine by JessWalters
cover image for WhileYouWereOut_MarApr23 zine by KellyMcElroy
cover image for ReserveAndRenew2 zine by AbigailPhillipsEtAl
cover image for StoriesFromThePage2 zine by BenBrumfield
cover image for PowWowEtiquette zine by JennaRoseSands
cover image for SoFi1 zine by AshleighWatsonEtAl
cover image for TheTimeKnife zine by AndiSantagata
cover image for LoudAndClear zine by JackDawkins
cover image for DisobedientElectronics zine by GarnetHertz
cover image for FoundingMonstersTales zine by VIrtualCurationLabEtAl
cover image for TransManWalking1 zine by AndiSantagata
cover image for ActivistTrauma zine by ActivistTraumaSupport
cover image for HowToMakeArtWhenWeReWorkingApart zine by HannahNagle
cover image for HTTPLearnYourBrowsersLanguage zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for BiteSizeNetworking zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for WhatYouCanDoForPalestineAndGazaDIYMinizine zine by AshleyTopaico
cover image for ReallyFriendlyGitIntro zine by TracyOsborn
cover image for Pressure zine by LawrenceLindell
cover image for ScratchFeverSpring2020 zine by UVAScratchTeam
cover image for MixingMediumsAndMixing Cultures zine by KaraFiolek
cover image for MALALECHE2FeverDreams zine by BadMilkPress
cover image for DadJokeZine zine by MarHicks
cover image for NewcombTechInMind6 zine by CAIDSDataLab
cover image for StoriesFromThePage1 zine by BenBrumfield
cover image for ButWhereAreYouReallyFrom zine by Anonymous
cover image for FeministFightClubSyllabus zine by KateOzment
cover image for OnBeingAHostOnBeingAGuest  zine by DanielleTaschereauMamers
cover image for SolidarityUnionismAtStarbucks zine by GrossEtAl
cover image for LivingInLostFutures  zine by DanielleTaschereauMamers
cover image for ConstructiveStruggle zine by JKatsfoter
cover image for FromTheDesksOf zine by DesignJusticeNetwork
cover image for DoYouHaveConsistentMoney zine by ConsistentMoneyMovingProject
cover image for EngagingTheFutureOfZineLibrarianship zine by AnnMatsushimaChiu
cover image for RightToRepairIndia zine by PadminiRayMurrayEtAl
cover image for RuptureMagIssue1 zine by RuptureMag
cover image for ToThemWeAreAllOutsideAgitatorsEncampmentsAndEscalations zine by WithinOurLifetime
cover image for AVolunteerGuideEverythingYouNeedToKnowAboutRVACommunityFridgesVolunteerNetwork zine by OverManic
cover image for BOV101 zine by Anonymous
cover image for ZineFair zine by IveSorocuk
cover image for SoYouWantToBeAWizard zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for Dangerous zine by ZineBeanCollective
cover image for NewcombTechInMind3 zine by CAIDSDataLab
cover image for BuzzZine2 zine by JessicaStokesEtAl
cover image for MalaLeche8TransitionalJoy zine by BadMilkPress
cover image for DismantlingWhiteSupremacyInLibraries zine by KellyWooten
cover image for RupturesVol1 zine by FLOCKCollective
cover image for SamsMedicationAbortion zine by ReproductiveHealthAccessProjectEtAl
cover image for TalesFromTheVirtualCurationLab1 zine by VirtualCurationLabEtAl
cover image for TheABCsOfOccupationAndResistance zine by LibrariansAndArchivistsWithPalestine
cover image for ScratchMorningFall2021 zine by UVAScratchTeam
cover image for BlasianWomenILookUpTo zine by MikakoMurphy
cover image for OopsAllDraculas zine by JessicaMarcrumEtAl
cover image for OopsIMadeAnOpenSourceArtTool zine by KateCompton.pdf
cover image for TheBritishEnlightenmentTravelersGuideSyllabus zine by KateOzment
cover image for IAccuseThisLIberalUniversityOfTerrorAndViolence zine by FredyPerlman
cover image for ThingsToStopSayingToAndAboutFolksWhoAreSuicidal zine by LawrenceLindell
cover image for BuildingConsentfulTech zine by UnaLeeEtAl
cover image for HandJob2 zine by AlizaElkin
cover image for BecomeASelectStar zine by JuliaEvans
cover image for ScratchSpliceFall2019 zine by UVAScratchTeam
cover image for KultOfTheCuberWitch_01 zine by KultOfTheCyberWitch
cover image for TransManWalking2 zine by AndiSantagata
cover image for NotesOnMutualAidVol2 zine by MutualAidNotes
cover image for TAPEPresentsButWhereAreYouReallyFromTheZine zine by TAPECollectiveEtAl
cover image for 2Trans2Furious zine by TuckWoodstockEtAl
cover image for NewcombTechInMind4 zine by CAIDSDataLab
cover image for HipHipArray zine by AmyWibowo
cover image for TheMysteryOfTheMegafauna zine by VIrtualCurationLabEtAl
cover image for TheBattleForAbortionAndReproductiveAutonomyWithBayOstrach zine by TheFinalStrawRadio