Lasercutting! Cheatsheet mini-zine for a Very Specific use case

Zine Bakery Biscuit #1, by Amanda Wyatt Visconti

An 8-page mini-zine by Amanda Wyatt Visconti (v1, 9/9/2024; CC BY-NC).

“Lasercutting! Cheatsheet mini-zine for a Very Specific use case” takes you through the steps of designing and lasercutting an acrylic oval with frosted text, using the Scholars’ Lab’s Makerspace and its lasercutter “Vader”. Thanks to Ammon Shepherd, who gave me a training refresh on the lasercutter; I took these notes built on my memory of his training.

Read the zine online

The zine is downloadable and printable (scale: 96%) from this link, but below are the zine’s pages in order, in case you prefer to read online. The PDF is a standard one-sheet minizine format, so it’s difficult to read online without rotating and understanding how folding will impact page order—below is easiest unless you’re going to print the zine out and fold it before reading.

Scan of the 1st page of the Lasercutting! Cheatsheet zine

Scan of the 2nd page of the Lasercutting! Cheatsheet zine

Scan of the 3rd page of the Lasercutting! Cheatsheet zine

Scan of the 4th page of the Lasercutting! Cheatsheet zine

Scan of the 5th page of the Lasercutting! Cheatsheet zine

Scan of the 6th page of the Lasercutting! Cheatsheet zine

Scan of the 7th page of the Lasercutting! Cheatsheet zine

Scan of the 8th page of the Lasercutting! Cheatsheet zine