Look!! Here's your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine

Zine Bakery Hand Pie #1, by Amanda Wyatt Visconti

Scan of the 1st page of the "Look!! Here's your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine"

An 8-page quarter-size (“hand pie”), full-color collage zine by Amanda Wyatt Visconti (v1, 11/26/2024; CC BY-NC).

Look!! Here’s your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine is an 8-page, quarter-size collage zine of odd letterpress blocks (illustrations/text mounted on a block of wood, to be inked & pressed into paper using a printing press) that I encountered while searching Ebay for letterpress things. Welcome to the weird world of things people used to want to print to paper repeatedly, like an illustration of hands unwrapping a slice of American cheese to a Very Goth “VOID IF DETACHED”.

All images are screenshots of Ebay.com for-sale items w/o stated creators; digitally horizontally-flipped for legibility. (Letterpress blocks and type are designed reflected, so when they are inked & pressed into paper, the correct image shows.)

Read the zine online

The zine is downloadable and printable from the links above, but below are the zine’s pages in order, in case you prefer to read online.

Scan of the 1st page of the "Look!! Here's your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine"

Scan of the 1st page of the "Look!! Here's your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine"

Scan of the 2nd page of the "Look!! Here's your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine"

Scan of the 3rd page of the "Look!! Here's your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine"

Scan of the 4th page of the "Look!! Here's your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine"

Scan of the 5th page of the "Look!! Here's your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine"

Scan of the 6th page of the "Look!! Here's your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine"

Scan of the 7th page of the "Look!! Here's your unusual letterpress blocks invitation to joy: a collage mini-zine"