Zine Bakery

Toasting fresh hot zines on culture, tech, & justice
Zine Bakery logo of zines popping out of a toaster with rainbow sparkles

Dive right into zines written by me, or these buttons for themed collections of zines by others from the hundreds in the Zine Bakery catalogue! *(Or scroll past, to learn more about the project.)*

The Zine Bakery project is:

  • collecting zines!

    1. collecting zines at the intersections of culture, tech, and justice
    2. dataset building: creating & maintaining a relational database with extensive descriptive, evaluative, theme, related resource metadata for each zine (no zine rehosting; always link to creator's site instead)
    3. preservation of private PDF backups of zines (e.g. in expectation of link rot)
    4. zine collecting best practices: amplification of the admirable Zine Librarian Code of Ethics, via a collecting rationale and charter, and preservation and distribution practices influenced by that code
  • amplifying zines!

    1. public zine catalog interface to a subset of my zine database/metadata
    2. zine distro: distributing a subset of the zines via the Scholars' Lab public space (Zine Bakery @ Scholars' Lab) including all Julia Evans' fantastic tech tutorial zines (huge thanks to Evans!)
    3. graphic design of fun zine- & zine-bakery-related art for stickers, etc.
  • exploring zines! via research, data physicalization, and more

    1. data physicalization projects applying makerspace methods to the zine dataset
    2. research blogging posts on zine research, collecting, making, & data viz
    3. web dev & Python coding supporting the above (e.g. digital zine quilt)
    4. tutorials documenting the above scholarship, so others can learn from & build on it
  • creating zines!

    1. authoring zines myself and sharing them for free download, duplication, and redistribution
Drawing of a bakery storefront that says 'Zine Bakery' and 'hot fresh zines'; the store window contains piles of baguettes, bread, and zines, and the background of the window is a collage of zine covers from the Zine Bakery collection; parts of the storefront have a rainbow gradient pattern Zine Bakery at Scholars' Lab logo of zines popping out of a toaster with rainbow sparkles